Over the past weeks, we've focused on improving dataset management and workflows by introducing several features: a streamlined process to import dataset options, dataset sharing, the option to download the Bulk create table with content, QR code generation controls, and a new submission filter. We've also improved your user experience with a responsive layout when viewing record details.


New features:


  • [Accutics Standardize] Importing dataset options using copy-paste
  • [Accutics Standardize] Downloading the Bulk create table with content
  • [Accutics Standardize] Submission filter in Records table
  • [Accutics Standardize] Disabling QR codes for URL outputs
  • [Accutics Standardize] Upgrade a local dataset to a shared dataset


  • [Accutics Standardize] Responsive design when viewing Record details

Accutics Standardize


Importing dataset options using copy-paste

We've streamlined the process of importing dataset options by allowing you to paste values directly from your clipboard. This makes it easier to integrate data from Excel sheets or other sources into Accutics. 


Here's how it works:


  1. Access the feature
    In the Dataset manager > Click on the more menu (...) > 'Paste options'
  2. Pasting dataset options
    Copy your data from the external source > Paste it in the modal window that opens.

    If your dataset includes abbreviations, we'll automatically detect friendly values and abbreviations using the delimiter you specify.
  3. Review and import
     Click 'Review' to ensure the import values are correct, then confirm to proceed.

Tip: For a smooth import using copy-paste, avoid:

• Using multiple delimiters. Use a consistent delimiter throughout your data.

• Including extra columns. Copy only the necessary data: max 2 columns if the dataset uses abbreviations, and 1 otherwise.

• Exceeding 15k rows. The maximum size for importing is 15,000 dataset options.

Downloading the Bulk create table with content

You can now download the Bulk create table both as an empty template and with its content. This allows you to download your work, make adjustments in Excel, and then re-upload the file to Accutics. 

To download the table with its content, simply click the 'Download' button on the top right of the table. 

Clicking the chevron next to the button will display different options:

  • Download template: It downloads the table with empty fields.
  • Download table: It downloads the table with all the values present at the time of download.
  • Download dataset: It downloads a file containing all datasets and their options for reference when working outside Accutics. 

Submission filter in the Records table

A Submission filter has been added, allowing you to filter records based on submission names. You can also apply and save this filter as part of a custom View. 

Disabling QR codes for specific URL outputs

We're introducing the option to enable and disable QR code generation for URL outputs, allowing you to control which links users can generate QR codes for.

When QR code generation is disabled, the 'Get QR code' button will be hidden for the specific URL output in all records. To do so:

  1. Access the feature
    Navigate to the Output fields in the Project configuration > Expand a URL output > 'QR code' tab

Note: The output needs to be of type 'URL'.

  1. Disable QR code generation
    Here you'll find two toggles which are enabled by default:

    • 'Full URL'
      Toggle this off to disable QR codes for the URL output.

    • 'Short URL'
      Toggle this off to disable QR codes for Short URLs. This setting can only be adjusted if the Short URL feature is enabled.

Note: Short URL is a paid add-on and requires a separate configuration. Learn more about Short URLs here.

Upgrading a local dataset to a shared dataset

As an admin user, you can now promote a local dataset to a shared dataset, making it accessible across all projects within the account. This simplifies dataset management as you can share a dataset instead of recreating it for each project. 

To upgrade a dataset: 

  1. Access the feature
    From the Datasets page, locate the dataset > Click the more menu (...)
    From the Dataset manager, click the more menu (...) on the top right

  2. Upgrade
    'Upgrade to shared dataset' > 'Yes, upgrade'

    The dataset will appear under the 'Shared datasets' section on the Datasets page. If the dataset is not in use, it'll disappear from the Dataset page but can be found it in the Account settings or added to the Project configuration. 

Note: You must resolve any dependencies to local datasets before upgrading. See the section below for details.

Resolving dependencies to local datasets (Click here)

If the dataset you're upgrading depends on other local datasets, you'll need to remove this dependency before proceeding. This involves either deleting the dependency variant containing it or resetting the dependencies.

If the dependency variant is also in use, you'll also need to remove it from where it's in use first. A list of these instances is provided to assist with the process when you try to do so. Click on each of these instances and then exclude them from the fields where it's applied.


Responsive design when viewing Record details

The Record details panel is now responsive for both platform. For example, on smaller screens, the action buttons at the top will collapse into a meatballs menu, ensuring a cleaner and more adaptable layout.