In the past weeks, we've been working on improving and streamlining Accutics Standardize, with a focus on the Campaigns table. 



Accutics Standardize


Revamped Campaigns table

We reviewed and improved the Campaigns table to ease its use and enhance its functionalities. 

Click on the images and GIFs to expand them

Here are some new features we introduced:

  • 'Select/Deselect all' checkbox

  • View of full value when hovering on an Output value

Tip: You can click on any Output value to automatically copy it to the clipboard.

  • Export of visible data only

Instead of exporting all the campaigns contained in the table, the export feature now takes into account any filter applied. This includes the selection of specific date ranges, columns, advanced filters, 'My campaigns', etc. 

In other words, it downloads only what is displayed at the moment of the export. 

  • The sorting order is maintained in the exported file

  • Pagination with a default of 25 rows

Pagination means that the content in the table is split into different 'pages'. 

At the bottom of the page, you can choose the default number of campaigns per page, navigate through the pages, and view the number of campaigns relative to the total.

  • Column selection and width preferences are saved

Other changes:

  • New page and table structure

The Campaigns table was moved to the top of the page, above the 'Created campaigns' graph.

Within the table, a few other things also moved around. E.g., tabs section, filter button, date selection, action buttons for multi-selection, etc. 

  • The 'My campaigns' tab becomes a filter you can toggle on and off

  • New design for the 'Filter' and 'Add campaign'

Accutics Platform


Division values added to the Users export

Division information is now automatically included in the export of the Users table. 

Previously, when exporting users, only the information in the Users table would be included in the download. Now, the following are also added:

  • Company name
  • Brand name
  • Workspace name
  • Project name

This allows you to identify which project the export originated from. 

Use case: When you download lists of users from different projects.