Learn how to set up a domain for generating Short URLs within Accutics. 

To set up a Short URL domain in Accutics, you need to meet the following pre-requisites: 

1. You must own a custom domain. If you don't have one, you'll need to purchase it before proceeding. 
2. An admin user role is required to access the Account settings. 

Short URL is a feature integrated directly into Accutics that allows you to maintain brand consistency while shortening URLs.


This offers several advantages, including generating short URLs for campaign URLs, tracking codes, and other links created in Accutics Standardize. When used in combination with QR codes, short URLs make the codes less dense and allow for dynamic usage. This means you can change the destination of the QR code without altering the QR code itself.

Before you can use short URLs, you need to set up a domain to use. This involves:

  1. Adding a domain in Accutics
  2. Adding DNS records to your domain provider
  3. Validating and finalizing the domain setup in Accutics

1. Adding a domain

A short URL domain is set up and configured from the Account settings and can then be used in different projects to configure short URLs.


From the navigation bar, click ‘Account’ > Short URL domains > ‘Add domain’


Here, you can start setting up the domain to use for your short URLs:


  1. Choose and enter a domain

    This must be a unique subdomain that is not in use elsewhere.

Note: If you want to use a subdomain already in use in another service (e.g., bit.ly), please contact us. Updating DNS records (Step 2 below) will redirect the traffic to us and may potentially disrupt your existing short URLs. We'll guide you through the migration to prevent any issues. 

Choose a custom subdomain that is on-brand, as it helps customers associate your links with your company, increasing brand awareness and engagement. A well-chosen subdomain is also more readable and hence likely to be clicked.

Example of a short URL: https://sub.domain.com/path

Note: The Domain setup supports only subdomains but it's possible to use Apex domains if needed. See 'Note on Apex domains and DNS records'.


  1. Choose and enter a fallback URL

    This is where users will be redirected in case they navigate to your subdomain directly or the short URL is incorrect (e.g., mistyped the short URL path).

    Example (click here)
    Given the following setup:

    - Fallback URL: 'https://website.com'
    - Custom domain : 'b.rand.com'
    - Generated short URL: 'b.rand.com/shop'

    Navigating to 'b.rand.com' will redirect to 'https://website.com'.
    Navigating to 'b.rand.com/shpo' will redirect to 'https://website.com'.

TipOnce the setup is complete, try navigating directly to your subdomain. If the setup is working, you'll be redirected to your fallback URL. 


  1. Submit

    After submitting, we’ll start creating resources for the next step, which may take up to 20 minutes. You'll receive an email when the process is completed.  

Next, you will receive an email with a pair of DNS records that need to be added to your DNS setup. Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through this process.


Note on Apex domains and DNS records
Apex domains are not directly supported in the UI. However, they can still be implemented with a custom configuration. This will require using Alias or NS records instead of CNAME records, which may or may not be compatible with certain DNS providers. Additionally, NS records might conflict with your IT security policy.

Please consult your IT department and contact us for guidance. We’ll be happy to discuss a suitable solution.

2. Setting up DNS records for your domain

You should have received a pair of DNS records that need to be added to your DNS provider.


If you’re unsure how to do this, forward the email you received to your IT department; they will know how to assist you.


Tip: You can always find the information about the two DNS records on the Domain setup page.


CNAME records

The two records you received from us are two CNAME records. Specifically: 


  • DNS record - SSL certificate validation

    Used by AWS Certificate Manager to validate an SSL certificate and to refresh it before it expires. The SSL certificate ensures secure, encrypted transport of data. This record is necessary during the initial setup and for ongoing renewals of the certificate.

  • DNS record - Redirection

    Used to direct traffic on the subdomain to the redirect service.

Here's how to add records to your DNS setup:

  1. Access your domain records
    1. Login to your DNS provider's website

    2. Navigate to the page that has your domain records
      E.g., 'My domains' > 'Manage DNS' > 'Add record'

  2. Create the new DNS records
    1. Add 2 new records

    2. Fill in the fields using the information you received
      • Select 'CNAME' as the DNS record type
      • Enter the domain in the 'Host' or 'Name' field. This field can also be called 'Host record'
      • Enter the record value in the 'Answer' or 'Value' field. This field can also be called 'Points to'
      • Leave 'TTL' as default or choose the lowest value
  3. Save

Note: These are general instructions. The exact locations, naming, and steps change from provider to provider. Refer to your provider’s help center for more accurate information.


  1. Wait for the changes to take effect

    The length of the wait depends on whether you had a TTL set. This can take from a few seconds to up to 48 hours.

You can close the window and continue creating records in Accutics Standardize while you wait. The next day, you can validate that the records were created correctly from Accutics.


Tip: You can use a DNS records lookup tool to verify if the DNS records are ready.

Then, you can proceed with the validation of your domain setup. 

3. Validating the DNS records and creating the SSL certificate

Finally, return to Accutics and finalize the setup.

Click ‘Validate and submit’


This will start a two-step process. 

Validation of DNS records

The validation step ensures the DNS records have been created correctly by checking that:

  • The name of the record was found
  • The record type is CNAME
  • All values match

You’ll receive an immediate response confirming if the DNS records have been successfully validated. If successful, we’ll proceed to the next step and start creating the remaining resources.

Failed validation

If the validation fails, it may be due to one of the following: 

DNS records are still propagating

The DNS records may have not finished propagating. Wait for the propagation to complete. You can use a DNS records lookup to verify their status. 

Incorrect subdomain name

Make sure you entered the subdomain correctly. Some domain providers may require you to enter only part of it, e.g., only ‘sub’ instead of ‘sub.domain.com’

Wrong DNS record type

Ensure the type of the record is CNAME.

Not matching values
Verify that the information you entered matches the values we provided.

After identifying and resolving the issue, try validating again.

Creation of remaining resources

Once the validation succeeds, we’ll finalize your setup by creating an SSL certificate and the last remaining resources. Sit back and wait. We’ll notify you by email once the process is completed.


When finished, the setup status will change to ‘Enabled’. You can now use the domain to configure Short URL for your outputs.

Failed creation of short URL domain

If the creation of the short URL domain resources fails, we’ll review your setup and address the issue. No action is required from you unless you hear from us.

Configuring an Output with Short URL

Now, you can configure short URLs for your URL outputs in your Project configurations. This is the final step to enable the Short URL feature. 

Here are the steps:

  1. Access the Short URL configuration
    In a project, navigate to Settings > Configuration > Output fields > Locate a URL type output > click the 'Short URL' tab

  2. Enable Short URL
    Toggle the 'Enable Short URL' button to activate it.

  3. Add domains
    Add the previously configured domains. Users can choose these domains when generating short URLs for the URL output.

  4. Publish the project configuration

That's it! Short URL is now functional, and a button to generate short URLs will appear in records with the URL output you configured. 

Learn more about configuring short URLs here.

Deleting a Short URL domain

You can delete a Short URL domain from its 'Domain setup'. 

Locate the domain you want to delete > Click on it to access its setup > 'Delete'

Please keep in mind that short URLs using this domain will remain visible in records and data schemas unless the feature is disabled in the project configuration. However, they will no longer be functional as the domain has been deleted.