Learn to save your Records table with custom filters and column selection for easy access later. 

A View is a custom configuration of your Records table that includes filters and column selection. It allows you to save a version of the table with these settings applied, so you can easily access the Records you need. Views can be saved for personal use or shared with all project members.

Creating a View

The Records includes a 'Views' tab. Clicking this tab allows you to view existing Views and create new ones.

Follow these steps: 

  1. Create a View
    Click the 'Views' tab > 'Create new' > Name your view > 'Publish'

    If you have a manager or admin role, you can save it for personal use or make it available to all project members.

  2. Configure the View
    Apply the filters and select the columns you wish to save

  3. Save
    Click the more menu (...) > 'Save'

Once saved, it'll be added to your list of Views, where you can also find other project-wide Views. 

Click the 'Views' dropdown

Pinning a View

For quick access, you can pin Views that you use frequently. 

Click the pin icon

This will pin the view to the bar at the top of the table, ensuring that the Views you need are easily accessible. 

Note: You can only pin your own personal or project Views. Views shared by direct links by other users cannot be pinned.

Sharing a View

Views can be shared with other users, facilitating collaboration. 

Depending on your role, you have different sharing options:

  • Personal use (All users)
    All users can create a view for personal use which is only accessible to them and available under 'My views' in the 'Views' list. You can share a direct link of a personal view with other users but they will not be able to pin or edit the view.

  • Share with project (Project managers and admins)
    Project managers and admins have the added ability to manage (create, edit, and delete) project-wide Views, ensuring consistency across teams. These views are accessible to all project members, and available under the 'Project views', in the 'Views' list.

Changes in a View

When you navigate away and back to a View, any applied filters and column selections that are not part of the View will be reset. If you wish to persist them as part of the View, you'll need to save the changes. 


Click the more menu (...) > 'Save'


Note: Settings such as 'My work,' 'Show archived,' and date ranges will persist even when navigating between different Views and the 'All records' tab, as they are not part of the filters you can save in Views.


Managing Views

You can edit or delete Views through the more menu. Here are the available options: 

  • Save as new
    It saves a new View based on the filters and columns applied to the current View.

  • Edit
    It allows you to rename the View (and change the level of access).

  • Delete

  • Discard changes
    It discards the changes you made to the filters and column selection that are not part of the View.

  • Save
    It saves the changes you made to the filters and column selections of the existing View. 

Note: The options available depend on your user role and whether the View is personal or project-wide. 

  • All users (personal Views): Discard changes, Save, Save as new, Edit, Delete
  • Viewing another user's View via link: Discard changes, Save as new

For project-wide Views:

  • Project Managers and Admins: Discard changes, Save, Save as new, Edit, Delete
  • Contributors and Editors: Discard changes, Save as new