In the past weeks, we've been busy working on Accutics Standardize and introduced two main features that allow you to edit published campaigns and export data to your email. And, as usual, we also fixed bugs and made improvements along the way.


New features:


  • [Accutics Standardize] Editing published campaigns
  • [Accutics Standardize] Email Connector
  • [Accutics Standardize] Importing updated field values
  • [Accutics Standardize] Exporting all field values
  • [Accutics Standardize] Overview of parameters in Campaign details
  • [Accutics Standardize] Copying output values


  • [Accutics Standardize] Unable to re-invite users - Fixed
  • [Accutics Standardize] Issues with exporting the Campaigns table - Fixed

Accutics Standardize


Editing published campaigns

If granted permission to do so, you can now edit a campaign(s) from the Campaigns table at any point in time. This removes the 30-minute grace period and allows you to fix any mistake that you may notice after publishing.

Note: Admins control who has editing rights. 

If you cannot view any 'Edit' option, you either do not have permission or the feature is disabled for the entire project. Please, check with your manager. 

Learn more about editing published campaigns here

Email Connector

We introduced a new Connector for emails. You can now export campaign data as email attachments to any address.


The setup of the Email Connector is the same as for other Connectors with a difference in the 'Connection' section.

Indeed, the only fields needed to define the destination are:

  • Email subject
  • Recipients. You can add any email address or existing user. 

Tip: You can include specific values in the Email Subject and also in the Filename fields by using macros. Hover on the tooltip to see the available ones.

If not set, the default values will apply:
• Default subject: accutics_campaigns_{DATETIME}
•Default file name: accutics_campaigns_{DATETIME}.cvs

Learn more about Connectors here.

Importing updated field values

Previously, when importing values to a field with existing ones, all values from the file would be added. This would not take into account duplicates. 

Now, only changes and new options are updated. 

Use case: When you need to work outside Accutics and then, update the field with the new values.

NoteAbbreviations are used as the key. This means that we classify a new option or an update based on changes to the abbreviations. 

This is the behaviour you can expect to see:
• same abbreviation & same friendly value -> no action.
• new abbreviation & same friendly value -> new option is added. 
• same abbreviation & new friendly value -> existing option is updated.

Exporting all field values

It is now possible to download an Excel file containing all field values. 

Navigate to the Field Values page > click the download icon on the top right

Overview of parameters in Campaign details

We added a query parameters view in URL outputs. 

Navigate to the Campaigns details > 'Parameters'

Tip: Query parameter values can be copied by simply clicking on them. 

Copying output values

We extended the click-to-copy feature to all output field types (both string and URL type).

Navigate to the Campaigns table or Campaign details > Hover on any output value > click


Unable to re-invite users

It is now possible to re-invite users to the Accutics platform.

Issues with exporting the Campaigns table

Under certain circumstances, it was not possible to export the Campaigns table. This was resolved.