In this release, we introduced a variety of new features, such as Access groups, export of Shared datasets, a read-only setting, and the ability to view archived campaigns. These enhancements aim to improve data control and accessibility, while also providing more customization and a streamlined workflow. 


New features:

  • [Accutics Standardize] Access groups to restrict campaign visibility
  • [Accutics Standardize] Exporting Shared Datasets
  • [Accutics Standardize] Read-only setting in Input fields
  • [Accutics Standardize] Showing archived campaigns
  • [Accutics Standardize] New format options (lists, links, and headings) for the project description


  • [Accutics Standardize] Filters in the Campaigns table persisted across page loads

Accutics Standardize


Access groups to restrict campaign visibility

An Access group is a configurable group that can be assigned to users to control which campaigns they can view.

As a project manager or manager, you can define specific conditions based on user attributes which serve as a way to group users. Groups can be created, for example, for users belonging to the same department, or business region, or whether they are external stakeholders or not. 

Users that are assigned to an access group, can view only campaigns created by users who fulfill the conditions of that group. This ensures that users only see relevant campaigns that are aligned with their roles or qualifications.

Use case: Restricting agent users to be able to view only campaigns created by their own agency. 

Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Create access groups

Based on user attributes, you can set conditions to define what campaigns are shown to the members of the access group.

You can also use User match to set dynamic groups that work on a matching basis. 

  1. Assign users to access groups

You can assign users to an access group from both the User invite form and the User details panel.

Learn more about Access groups here.

Exporting Shared datasets

Previously, the ability to export field values was limited to Datasets. Now, you can also export the values of Shared datasets.

  • To export an individual Shared dataset, click the more menu (...) > 'Export'
  • To export all Shared datasets, click the export button on top of the Shared datasets page.

This will download a .xlsx file containing the name of the fields and their values, including any abbreviations if in use.

Read-only setting in Input fields

We introduced a new 'Read-only' setting for all Input fields. This allows you to configure fields so that users can view a field but not edit it. 

By leveraging conditions, you can also build complex logic and tailor the read-only setting to your specific needs. 

Showing archived campaigns

Now you can access any archived campaigns by toggling the 'Show archived' option from the Campaigns table. 

While you still cannot unarchive campaigns directly, you have the ability to view, clone, and export them:

  • To view: Click on the row. 
  • To clone: Hover on the row > Click the more menu (...) > 'Clone'
  • To export all: Toggle 'Show archived' > Click the 'Export' button on top of the table. 

New format options for the project description

We added a rich-text editor to the project description, providing you with more formatting options and better content control.

List of supported text elements:

  • Bullet points and numeric lists
  • Links (including mailto)
  • Text styles and font decorations
  • Emojis


Filters in the Campaigns table persisted across page loads

Filters that you apply to 'All campaigns' are now persisted across page loads. This means that even if you reload the Campaigns page or log out and log in at a later time, your filters will still be in place.