In the past weeks, our focus has been on refining the Reference field. Now, you can retrieve record data from any project within an Account. In addition to other improvements, we also started working on a unified approach to manage Datasets, separate from select fields. 


New features:

  • [Accutics Standardize] Referencing records from different projects
  • [Accutics Validate] Excluding external values from a Naming validation rule (RegEx)


  • [Accutics Standardize] Re-running failed Connector runs


  • [Accutics Standardize] Unified Dataset manager with new dependencies workflow

Accutics Standardize


Referencing records from different projects

It is now possible to reference records from different projects. This new feature provides you with the flexibility to retrieve data from elsewhere within an Account.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

To do so, when configuring a Reference field, simply select a different project. This will list all available text output fields, and you can proceed with the configuration as usual. 

Note: Referencing from other projects might expose records that users should not have access to.

Learn more about Reference fields here.


Re-running failed Connector runs

You can now re-run a specific failed run, without having to initiate an entirely new one. Indeed, once you resolved any issues, you can simply click 'Re-run' on the row that failed instead of re-running the whole Connector. 

With the feature, we also introduced a few changes:

  • Columns
    • Trigger. The user who triggered the first run.
    • Completed. When the latest run was completed. 

  • Tooltip
    • Planned start. When the first run was intended to start.
    • Actual start. When the latest automatic run started (scheduled) or when someone manually triggered it.

Accutics Validate


Excluding external values from a Naming validation rule (RegEx)

A Naming validation rule works by comparing the names we retrieve from your ad platform to a taxonomy you define, like an Output from Accutics Standardize. 

The 'Exclude external values' filter allows you to trim irrelevant values from the ad platform names before validating them in Accutics. This is particularly useful when you append extra information to the names in your ad platform, such as budget or PO. 


Hence, given you already configured the Naming conventions with 'Use project configuration':

  1. Exclude external values

  1. Use RegEx to define what should be validated and what ignored

Assign a name to the capturing group that should be validated by using the syntax (?P<output>pattern) while defining exclusion patterns for the rest. Learn more

  1. Test with a sample name

Examples (click here)

Trim values between a set of characters (e.g. #)

RegEx: .*#(?P<output>.*)#.*

Test string: Awareness#Ad name#ID216543

Result: Ad name

Trim values behind the nth character (e.g. only include the first 4 values using the delimiter)

RegEx: (?P<output>[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*)

Test: Awareness_Social_Facebook_2024_black friday

Result: Awareness_Social_Facebook_2024

Next up

Unified Dataset manager with new dependencies workflow

In our ongoing efforts to improve data management, we're also developing a new Dataset manager with a revised configuration for dependencies. This involved rethinking datasets and how they relate to select fields (dropdown and multiselect). 

Datasets will become a separate entity, listed under Datasets and managed from a Dataset manager. You will have the ability to add and reuse Datasets in select fields. Dependencies will also be unified with datasets, offering a more intuitive and advanced interface for creating and building them.