These past weeks, we've been working on improving the Bulk Template in Accutics Standardize and are at the final stages of testing a couple of major features - you can expect updates around after the Easter holidays. 




  • [Accutics Standardize] Design update of the Bulk Template
  • [Accutics Standardize] Enhanced performance of the Bulk Template

Next up

  • [Accutics Standardize] Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • [Accutics Standardize] Bulk import of dependencies in dropdown fields

Accutics Standardize


Design update of the Bulk Template

The Bulk Template becomes a page instead of an overlay. While the functionalities remain the same, the design has slightly changed. 

The updated design includes the navigation bar and top bar, with the 'Close' button being removed. Also, field type notations and empty field statuses become visible only on hover.

Enhanced performance of the Bulk Template

We have significantly improved the performance of the Bulk Template, making all actions much faster to perform. This includes loading the Bulk Template, uploading a template file, manipulating its content, and publishing campaigns. 

Next up

Single Sign-On (SSO)

We're at the final stage of testing SSO, which will provide better security for your campaign data and also more convenience for users. 

Bulk import of dependencies in dropdown fields

We're also at the final stage of testing the bulk import of dependencies. With it, you will be able to import both field values and dependencies from a .xlsx file simultaneously.