Enjoy a seamless workflow with the Accutics Browser Extension! Here's everything you need to know to get started. 

Learn how to install the extension and to create and retrieve records from it without leaving your current workspace. 

The Accutics Browser Extension is a free add-on to Accutics Standardize designed to help you create marketing campaigns with consistent naming and tracking conventions easily, without interrupting your workflow. With the extension, you can generate and copy tracking URLs, name sets, QR codes, etc., directly from the media platform where you are setting up a marketing campaign.

This article will cover the basics of installing and using the extension. Namely, how to:


  1. Install the Accutics Browser Extension

  2. Create a record

  3. Navigate the Records list

  4. Edit and manage existing records

    • Generate QR codes and Short URLs

  5. Enable shortcuts for specific media platforms


The extension offers a familiar interface to the web platform, with project navigation on the top bar and a side navigation bar to access features and other links.

Tip: Depending on the size of the extension, the navigation bar may collapse into a burger menu. Drag the left border of the extension to resize it to your preferences.

Features and functions

  • Create form
     Create records and save drafts just as you do on the platform.


  • Records list
     A compact version of the Records table displays records as a list of cards. Customize the view of your list using various filters and settings.

  • Record details
     Access a detailed view of each record, where you can also generate Short URLs and QR codes if configured.


  • Platform-specific shortcuts
     Enable a quick access icon to the extension on specific media platforms.

External links

On the navigation bar, you'll also find external links to our knowledge base, the platform, and your browser extension settings.

1. Installing the Accutics Browser Extension

You can easily find and install the extension from the Chrome web store.


Chrome web store: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/accutics-standardize-your/cjbfcdliecdglkplnbhgphjffjpjmllf

Click on the link > 'Add to Chrome' > Follow the instructions that appear

Supported browsers: Chromium-based browsers. E.g., Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Once installed, you'll find it listed with your other extensions. Click it to launch it. 

Tip: You can quickly access your extensions by clicking the jigsaw puzzle icon on the top right of your browser's navigation bar. 

That's it. You can now sign in and start using the extension.

2. Creating a record

The first time you sign in, you'll probably land on the Create form. If not, you can navigate to it from the side navigation bar by clicking on the squared + icon. 

The Create form is identical to the one in the platform, allowing you to create single records and save the form as a draft. 

Fill in the form > 'Submit' to create a record

Hence, a detailed view of the record will open, listing all generated outputs, data you inputted, and other metadata. From here, you can also generate QR codes and Short URLs if they have been configured. 

Tip: Clicking on an output or any other value in a record will automatically copy it to your clipboard, ready to be pasted where needed.  

3. Reading and navigating the Records list

This is a compact version of the Records table, displaying records as a list of cards. 

Here, you can customize your view of the list :


Adjusting card information
Each card corresponds to a record and contains adjustable information.

Click on the icon on the top right > Select and reorder the fields


Sorting cards
You can also sort the cards (records) based on record values

Click on the sorting icon > Select the parameter and order of the sorting


Filtering cards

You can narrow down the cards by:


  • Date range
    To filter by date, click the date range > Select or set a period > 'Apply' 


  • Record field
    Configure a filter by using a value in the record as the parameter.

    To set a filter, click the filters icon > Select type of filter > Configure the filter


  • Preset filters - 'My work' and 'Archived'
    To apply a preset filter > Click the filters icon > Toggle the filters on or off as needed

4. Editing and managing existing records

For each record, you can view its details, from where you can also clone, edit, and archive it. 

Hover on a record card > 'See details'

Note: Editing has to be enabled from the the General page in Settings in the platform first. 


4.1 Generating Short URLs and QR codes

From the Record details, you can also generate QR codes and Short URLs.

You can generate QR codes for all outputs of URL type.

Click 'Get QR code' > Configure > 'Export'

Note: QR code templates can be configured from the Settings in the platform. 

For some outputs that are URL type, you may also be able to generate Short URLs. If so, a button will be displayed. 

Click 'Generate' > Configure > 'Generate'

Note: Generating Short URLs is an add-on service; it can be used if it's part of your plan and has been configured first. Reach out to us to learn more about Short URLs. 

5. Enabling shortcuts for specific media platforms 

For the extension, you can enable a shortcut to it when you are on specific media platforms. 

Click on the 'Settings' icon > Toggle on the media platforms you want the Accutics shortcut for

When enabled, an Accutics icon will appear whenever you're on the media platform you selected. Clicking on the icon will open the extension.

Supported media platforms: 

  • Meta for Business
  • LinkedIn
  • Google Ads
  • Campaign Manager 360