Learn more about what's new in the Accutics platform. In the past weeks, we focused on several new features for both Accutics Standardize and Accutics Validate. 


New features:


  • [Accutics Standardize] Submissions tab in the Campaign Table
  • [Accutics Standardize] New Contributor user role and user access levels
  • [Accutics Standardize] Custom name for the export file in Connectors
  • [Accutics Standardize] Removal of delimiters for empty values in Joins in Outputs 
  • [Accutics Validate] New default impressions validation rule for CM360
  • [Accutics Validate] Condition for excluding CM360-hosted creatives in DV360 validation rules
  • [Accutics Validate] Export all tabs in the Findings Table


  • [Accutics Standardize] HTTP protocol enforced by default in the URL input field
  • [Accutics Standardize] Duplicate names allowed in Data Schemas

Accutics Standardize


Submissions tab in the Campaigns Table

We introduced a new tab in the Campaigns Table to allow you to view and clone submissions. 


A submission corresponds to a set of campaigns published at the same time, using the Bulk Template. This allows you to group and label specific sets of campaigns. 


Use case: When you need to reuse bulk-created campaigns without having to create them again. 

E.g., A user bulk creates campaigns for Halloween 2022 and submits it as `Halloween´. The next year, this submission can simply be cloned and adjusted for a Halloween 2023 campaign.

Learn more about the Submission tab here

New Contributor user role and user access levels

We introduced a new user role - Contributor and user access levels have been updated accordingly.

  • Admin

Full access to all sections and features. 

Only admins can manage users and set company-wide features. 

  • Project manager

Access to project configuration, campaign management, data connectors, and to invite users. 


  • Editor

Access to campaign management (create, edit, and view) and make adjustments to certain field values. 

  • Contributor

Access to create, edit and view campaigns only.

Custom name for the export file in Connectors

You can now give a custom name to the files that are created and exported at each Connector run. This can be done from the export settings in the Connector setup. 

Click on the `Filename´ field > Name according to your needs

Tip: Macros are also available for your use - hover on the tooltip to view them.

Removal of delimiters for empty values in text strings in Outputs

We introduced a new feature to remove delimiters between empty values from joined strings.

In certain cases, you may have a Join sequence where one value is not set. This is reflected in the final output as two consecutive delimiters since the value is `empty´.

To avoid this, you can check the `Remove delimiters for empty values´ box. This will ensure that delimiters are set only between actual values. 

Example (click here)

Given the output: brand_year_market_stage_campaign-name_network

Let's consider this case of conditional value in a name set:


If the brand is ABC: ABC_21_UKI_aw_prod-launch_adsense

If not (brand is not ABC): CBA_21__aw_prod-launch_adsense


You can notice that a value `Market´ in the second case is not set, hence, this results in two consecutive delimiters (__). You can now avoid this by checking the box at the end of the value sequence. 


`Remove delimiters for empty values´:  CBA_21_aw_prod-launch_adsesne


HTTP protocol enforced by default in the URL input field

In the Campaign Form, URL fields automatically enforce an HTTP protocol by default now.

Of course, the `Enforce HTTPS´ feature overrides the default HTTP protocol if set.

Duplicate names allowed in Data Schemas

If strictly needed, it is now possible to create multiple rows with the same name.

Accutics Validate


New Default impressions validation rule for CM360

We introduced a new validation rule for CM360 - Default impressions.


This validation rule lets you keep track of the default ads served by CM360 and flags a finding/error whenever it exceeds a threshold you set. 

To set up a default impression validation rule, navigate to a CM360 source, then: 

  1. Add a Default impression validation rule

`Add validation rule´ at the bottom of the validation rules table > Type - Default impressions > Name > `Continue´

  1. Configuration

This consists of setting the frequency and defining requirements of the validations.

  1. Save
  2. Run and validate

Run the validation and check its findings from the Findings Table.

Configuration - Default impressions

  • Threshold (percentage)

Set the percentage ratio of allowed default impressions for each placement. Anything above it will be listed as a finding. 

  • Reporting range

Define the date range to date to include in the validation. This can be set in hours, days, or weeks. 

Condition for excluding CM360-hosted creatives in DV360 validation rules

When configuring a validation rule for a DV360 source, you will be able to apply a condition to exclude CM360-hosted creatives. 


Synced creatives cannot be edited in DV360. Hence, we introduced this feature to exclude such creatives from the validation rule and avoid marking them as errors. Instead, set up a Campaign Manager 360 source and validate your placements on their platform.

To apply this, simply check the `Exclude CM360-hosted creatives´ when setting up a validation rule for a DV360 source. 

Export all tabs in the Findings Table

You can now export all findings from all tabs in the Findings Table. The export is an Excel file, where tabs are returned in different sheets. 

To export, click `Download all´ from the top right of the table